
So, apparently my book has a ton of errors in it. A few is understandable and expected. The number that has been found is ridiculous. Several people went through it before publishing and something went wrong between polishing it and getting it to the distributor. If anyone has worked with Vellum, have you had issues…

It’s happening!

LILIA OF THE VALLEY is available for pre-order! Some of you may have visited It’s Chris and I, we just decided to take a different approach. So, now I have a website and he doesn’t. He’s still a gigantic part of the books, I’m just the one that does the communicating with others. Which…


School is not going well. I started with two classes. I now have none. Like before, I tried and failed. However, I have learned something about myself. For a very long time, I always thought if one wanted to be successful, one needed a degree. While that is true for many occupations, it’s not true…